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Know your Doshas

Writer: Yogacharya RakeshYogacharya Rakesh

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Over 5000 years ago, Indian sages started developing a system of health and well-being called Ayurveda.

A sister science of yoga, the principle of Ayurveda is that good health can be achieved through a delicate balance of the mind, body and spirit.

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According to the science of Ayurveda, matter comprises 5 elements which are – Air, Space, Fire, Water & Earth.

This blog is intended at providing an overview that educates the reader on the essence of doshas and the defining characteristics of each dosha type.

The topic of doshas is vast & extensive, this blog is only a general synopsis to acquaint you with the fundamentals of doshas before you delve deeper into the intricate nuances & aspects of this ever-evolving subject.

What are Doshas?

Doshas are biological energies found throughout the human body & mind. They play a vital role in defining our dominant characteristics including the way we eat, behave & sleep.

The 3 Ayurvedic Doshas – Vata, Pitta & Kapha overlook specific functions that affect our body.

Each of us is born with a certain amount of dosha but it keeps changing with time. The change of season, emotional state, diet, stress levels all have a direct impact on the doshas.

Now that you know what doshas are, let’s understand each dosha type & its essential elements.

Vata Dosha:

Vata Dosha is represented by the dynamic air & space elements. Individuals with Vata dosha are very creative & quick on their feet. Physically they are always on the move & mentally they are very active, creative & can be moody.

Most often their attention span is very short & they get bored & distracted easily. They find it hard to stop the flow of thoughts & often they can go off tangent or forget their trail of thoughts.

The biggest challenge for them is to settle their minds & be grounded in the present without overthinking the future. A few Vata related ailments are related to anxiety, dry skin, bloating & constipation.

Pitta Dosha:

Pitta Is represented by fire. Pitta individuals are ambitious and hard-working. They have an acute focus on each task at hand and complete one job before moving on to the next.

Pitta personalities are organized leaders, work on schedule and thrive in areas of management.

They can effortlessly lead, follow & complete assignments They’re focused and complete one task before starting another. They are strong leaders who do well in management.

They have very organized minds and work on a schedule.  Physically, Pittas are the type of people who need a good workout.

They have a great deal of fire energy within them that needs to be released. They are naturally competitive and excel in athletics.

All this fire in their bodies can transform into the fire within their minds. They may become angry when things don’t go their way and impatient when others take too long to perform a task.

They hold themselves at a very high standard and demand others to do the same.

Pittas can be seen as intimidating for this reason & also suffer early burnouts.

Pita dominant ailments include heartburn, loose stools and a strong appetite.

Kapha Dosha:

Kapha – personalities are peacemakers, patient and easy-going; represented by the elements of earth & water. They are natural caregivers and often place the needs of others before their own.

Their kindness is their strength, and they go out of their way to please loved ones. They make great listeners and counsellors. Patience is their biggest virtue.

They have the strongest stamina of the 3 dosha types. When they are out of balance they tend to be sedentary, gain weight & ignore self-care. People of the Kapha mindset are usually calm and do not get aggravated easily.

They are of forgiving nature and believe in maintaining harmony with their surroundings. Though they have slow comprehension, once they understand the knowledge is retained and stays with them for long.

Finally, it is important to note that if the proportion of doshas in your current state is close to your birth constitution, then your health will be vibrant.

A divergence between these states, however, indicates a state of imbalance. ‘Vikruti’ is the term used to describe the imbalanced deviation away from ‘Prakruti’ or inborn constitution.

To further ascertain your dosha type it is recommended you consult a certified Ayurvedic Doctor & implement lifestyle changes that balance your doshas.

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